Repainting vs. Restaining: Pros and Cons for Kitchen Cabinet Transformations

Repaint vs. Restain kitchen cabinets When it comes to transforming your kitchen cabinets, repainting and restaining are two popular options that can breathe new life into your space. Whether you’re looking to update the color, refresh the finish, or completely change the look of your cabinets, understanding the pros and cons of each method is crucial. In this blog post, we will compare repainting and restaining as kitchen cabinet transformation techniques, helping you make an informed decision that suits your style, budget, and desired outcome.

Repainting Kitchen Cabinets:


Versatility: Repainting allows for a wide range of color options, providing you with the freedom to choose a hue that matches your kitchen’s aesthetic and complements your overall design theme.
Complete Coverage: Repainting completely covers the existing finish, hiding any imperfections or previous stains, and providing a fresh and uniform appearance.
Modernization: Repainting outdated cabinets can instantly modernize your kitchen, giving it a contemporary look and enhancing its visual appeal.
Easy Color Changes: If you decide to change the color scheme of your kitchen in the future, repainted cabinets can be easily painted over again, providing flexibility and adaptability to evolving design trends.  Read about this year’s trending kitchen designs at


Extensive Preparation: Repainting cabinets requires thorough preparation, including cleaning, sanding, and priming, to ensure proper adhesion and longevity of the new paint.
Time-Consuming Process: Repainting kitchen cabinets is a labor-intensive project that may take several days or even weeks, depending on the size of your kitchen and the number of cabinets.
Potential for Visible Brush Strokes: Without proper technique and tools, brush strokes may be visible on the surface, detracting from the overall finish.
Limited Wood Grain Visibility: Repainting covers the wood grain, which may be a disadvantage if you prefer the natural texture and character of the wood to show.

Restaining Kitchen Cabinets:


Highlighting Wood Grain: Restaining allows you to enhance the natural beauty of the wood by showcasing its unique grain patterns and textures, adding warmth and richness to your kitchen.
Retaining Character: If your cabinets have sentimental value or possess distinctive characteristics, restaining can preserve their original charm while giving them a refreshed appearance.  There are a ton of options now days when choosing a stain color.  So get creative!  Check out some color options at
Deep Color Penetration: Restaining penetrates deeply into the wood, ensuring a long-lasting finish that resists wear and fading.
Less Preparation Required: Restaining typically requires less preparation than repainting, as it involves removing the existing finish and applying the new stain directly to the wood.


Limited Color Options: Restaining limits your color choices to variations within the natural wood tones. While there are lots of different stains available, you still won’t have the same range as with repainting.
Existing Imperfections: Restaining may not completely hide existing imperfections or stains on the wood, as it works by enhancing the wood’s natural characteristics rather than covering them up.
Incompatibility with Certain Wood Types: Some types of wood may not take stains evenly or produce the desired result, making restaining a less suitable option for certain cabinets.
Difficulty in Changing Colors: Unlike repainting, changing the stain color in the future requires stripping and sanding the cabinets back to bare wood, making it a more time-consuming and involved process.  Read about the best woods for your kitchen at

When deciding between repainting and restaining your kitchen cabinets, consider the pros and cons of each technique in relation to your specific needs and preferences. Repainting offers versatility and a fresh, modern look, while restaining highlights the natural beauty of the wood. Take into account factors such as the condition of your cabinets, desired color options, time constraints, and personal style. Regardless of your what you choose, your kitchen will have a brand new look.  When you are ready to redefine your kitchen, contact us for a free design consultation.